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Barbi Twins 16-month Swimsuit Calendar (1995) #0
Battrons 4 Queens (1998) #1
Beach High (1997) #1
Belladonna (2004 Avatar) #5B
Black Flag (1995) #2A
Black Flag (1995) #4A
Black Flag (1995) #4B
Bomarc: Guardian of the IFS Zone (1988 Valhalla) #1
Brats Bizarre (1994) #3
Brats Bizarre (1994) #4
Brinke of Destruction #2
Broken Trinity (2008 Top Cow) #3A
Butcher Knight (2000 Top Cow) #2
Cannibal Days (Ascension Comics 1994) #1
Catfight Dream into Action (1996) #1A
Catfight Escape from Limbo (1996) #1A
Cauldron (1995) #1A
Chastity Theatre of Pain (1997) #2B
Christian (1996) #1
Coven of Angels (1995) #1
Coven of Angels Ashcan Series (1995) #1
Crimson Plague (1997 Event) #1A
Crimson Plague (1997 Event) #1C
Crush (1995 Aeon) #2
Danger Girl (1998) #5A
Dark Impact (1997) #1
Dark Shrine (1999 Antertic Press) #1
Dark Shrine (1999 Antertic Press) #2
Darkness Witchblade Angelus Trinity Blood on the Sands (2009 Top Cow) #1
Darkside (1996 Maximum) #1
Demon Baby (1997) #1
Diatom (1995) #1