Aardwolf (1994) #1
Cover art by Gray Morrow. "The Äardwolf Story" article by Bill Kaminaw. "I, Gezheh" 14-page text story by Clifford Lawrence, art by Dave Cockrum
Foebus, a Beta Tau on the planet Tau Ceti IV who has converted to Judaism, starts to feel doubts about certain ideas that are being taught by his Lubavitch teachers; He expresses some of these doubts to his human friend Yitzi who warns him that he sounds like a miznaghed (an observant Jew who practices religion differently than Lubavitchers). Afterword by Robert Bloch, art by Paty Cockrum. "Stiffed," script by Clifford Lawrence, art by Paty Cockrum; Two Latino brothers drive towards the apartment of Rene Sanchez who they plan to shoot in revenge for killing a member of their gang; However, when a severed penis is thrown into their car, the brothers decide to try to capitalize on their strange fortune. "Street" one-page story, script by Clifford Lawrence, art by William Messner-Loebs; A strong monster comes to the aid of a mugging victim.
36 pgs., full color. Cover price $2.95.