Eric Basaldua cover. Days Like This [Part 4], script by Mario Gully, Ken L. Levin, Sean O'Reilly, and Tina Gully (assists), art by Mario Gully
Hanna's mother's boyfriend is the son of the man Hanna's dad was framed for killing; Her mother returns her journal and Hanna continues the adventure aided by Gadget Man who is Steven the boy who found her journal; She defeats The Cockroach and finds out who the real killer was; She calls the police who come just in time to save her mother from her boyfriend who was going to kill her for finding out it was him who killed his father; Jump to an adult Hanna who it appears has imagined all this; She has been in a mental institution for years; When her mother talks to her and mentions missing her dead father she snaps out of it and goes to find her father's killer.
40 pgs. $2.95. Cover price $2.95.