Avengers (1963 1st Series) #367
"Voyeuristic Visions" Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Jim Hall. Inks by Don Hudson. Cover by Steve Epting and Tom Palmer.
During a quiet night at Avengers Mansion, the Vision waxes nostalgic about happier times from days gone by. Years ago the synthezoid avenger had a wife and children and felt emotions like an ordinary man. But since the sad events of the Vision Quest storyline, the Vision's emotions have been very slow in returning, if at all. Is it possible that one day things could change? Perhaps with help from friends like Crystal, Giant-Man, and Deathcry; the Vision's repressed feelings will break through! Meanwhile during that same quiet night at the mansion, a mysterious duo teleports into Crystal's bedroom chambers and kidnaps Luna! And that villainous act signals the beginning of the next great adventure for Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
32 pages. Cover price $1.25.