"From The Ashes" Plot by Chris Claremont. Script by Roger McKenzie. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns) and Don Perlin (finishes). Cover by Keith Pollard and Al Milgrom.
In a heartbreaking moment, Captain America views a news videotape -- that confirms Sharon Carter's fiery death four issues ago. After watching the tape, the devastated shield-slinger decides that it's time to make changes to his personal life. So Steve Rogers begins a new career as a commercial artist and moves into a townhouse in Brooklyn Heights. At his new townhouse, Steve meets an elderly resident named Anna Kapplebaum. They seem to have met somewhere before...decades ago...under the most dire circumstances. Cameo appearances by Peter Parker, Nick Fury, the Beast, Falcon, Ms. Marvel, Vision, and the Wasp.
32 pages. Cover price $0.40.