Captain America (1968 1st Series) #428
"Policing the Nation" Fighting Chance Part 4 of 12. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Dave Hoover. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Dave Hoover.
There's a new sheriff in town! Or rather a new cop in town! Americop! And like the Punisher, this vigilante dishes out his own brand of lethal justice! On a cool night in Kentucky, Americop runs into his first bona fide American superhero! However the Living Legend is not at full strength due to the deteriorating super-soldier serum! Can a weakened shield-slinger put the cuffs on Americop? And elsewhere Diamondback and Zack Moonhunter travel to New Orleans looking for Snapdragon. They don't find her, but they do find trouble! First appearance of Americop.
First $1.50 issue. 32 pages. Cover price $1.50.