Captain America (1968 1st Series) #431
"The Next Generation" Fighting Chance Part 7 of 12. First appearance of Free Spirit. Script by Mark Gruenwald. Pencils by Dave Hoover. Inks by Danny Bulanadi. Cover by Dave Hoover.
The ordeal with Americop is over, but the star-spangled avenger's muscle deterioration sadly continues. However, Cap's good friend, Fabian Stankowicz, designs special body armor and weaponry for the shield-slinger to use on his next mission! And when a distress call comes in from south of the border, the Sentinel of Liberty and his new equipment (plus Diamondback) spring into action! The place is Mexico, the problem is missing children, and the perpetrator is Baron Zemo! Will Cap and Diamondback enjoy their Mexican soirée at Baron Zemo's castle? Meanwhile in the Midwest, a young and impressionable college student named Cathy Webster agrees to undergo special medical treatment from one of her professors! However she doesn't know that her distinguished instructor is actually Superia in disguise! And following the treatment, Free Spirit is born!
32 pages. Cover price $1.50.