Avengers (1963 1st Series) #172
The Korvac Saga: Part 5 of 10 - "Holocaust in New York Harbor!" Guest-starring Ms. Marvel. Script by Jim Shooter. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns) and Klaus Janson (finishes). Cover by George Perez and Terry Austin.
There's good news and bad news for the Avengers! First, the good: Ultron has been defeated! But the bad: teammates continue to disappear left and right, and Korvac remains unaccounted for! When the Avengers return to their mansion, the situation just gets worse! A furious Peter Gyrich revokes the team's national priority status! And Tyrak is tearing up the New York harbor! What a mess! Shell-head dispatches Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, the Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Wonder Man to stop Tyrak; while the other avengers work on the bizarre disappearances! It's 100% crisis management for Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
Cover price $0.35.