Elvira Mistress of the Dark (1993) #28
Elvira's TV interview of best-selling compulsive novelist Steven Sting reveals more than she thought; that Sting's compelled to write because of his overactive muse...and that he's got writer's block because his muse has been kidnapped. Elvira must try to rescue the muse from Sting's jealous rival Anne Spice...before she steals all his ideas. No kidding. It's all in "An Eye for an Eye, A Muse for a Muse," by Frank Strom, Tom Simonton and Louis Lachance. Also, in the back-up, Elvira's quest to help her pals Teen Frankenstein, Teen Werewolf and Teen Dracula leads her to infiltrate the empire of media mogul Ted Turnip in "Back to the Bloodbank, Part Two," the new serial by Lou Mougin, Dave Cockrum and Jim Mooney.
B&W, 32 pg. Cover price $2.50.