Cover art by James Fry and Hector Collazo. Passion Play Part 7: That's What They Say starring Wolverine and Lynx, script by Scott Lobdell and Dan Slott, pencils by Dennis Jensen, inks by Dennis Jensen and Jon Holdredge.
A Time To Die starring Crossbones, script by John Figueroa, pencils by Ron Wilson, inks by Don Hudson. The Walking Wounded Part 7: Peak the Pathos starring Ghost Rider and Typhoid Mary, script by Ann Nocenti and Steve Lightle, art by Steve Lightle. The Book of Changes Part 5: Friendship Rears Its Ugly Head starring Iron Fist, script by Joey Cavalieri, pencils by Bill Wylie and Chris Renkewitz, inks by Bud La Rosa, Peter Palmiotti, and Bill Wylie.
36 pgs. Cover price $1.50.