Cover pencils by James Fry, inks by Andrew Pepoy. "Nightmares," script by Kurt Busiek, pencils by James Fry, inks by Andrew Pepoy
Paul Johnstone, Shadowhawk, is long dead but police captain, Arturo Rieves, continues to have nightmares that the vigilante will return; Criminals start reporting that they were apprehended by Shadowhawk; Lou Jacks, one of the best men on the force, resigns; Christina Ried, Shadowhawk's trainer, has dropped out of sight; Lincoln Sum, the brother of Shadowhawk's armorer, has arrived in town; Rieves himself is saved from certain death by a hero in black and glinting silver; His nightmare is back; But who is Shadowhawk?
36 pgs., full color. $2.50. Cover price $2.50.