Sandman Presents Lucifer (1999) #2
In part 2 of "The Morningstar Option," the ex-Lord of Hell returns to his former realm, seeking to interrogate its new rulers for clues about an ancient magical force that is unleashing chaos on Earth by granting mortal wishes. Tracking the chaos to its source leads Lucifer straight to a young mortal girl, Rachel Begai, still shocked and guilt-struck over a wish that caused her brother's untimely death. And when a demonic third party enters the fray, hoping to exploit the wish-giving magic for his own evil purposes, Rachel finds that she may be the key to preventing the world from destroying itself--but the price of power is a dangerous alliance with Lucifer. Written by Mike Carey. Painted art and cover by Scott Hampton.
Mature Readers. FC, 32 pg. Cover price $2.95.